
FUTURA 27 By Lando

Collection: FUTURA

Designer: Paola Navone

Product code: FA927

Type: Ceramic Soup tureen

With its volumes, lace and embroidery, the bowl FUTURA 27 stands out sumptuously in the environment.‎ Elegant patterns repeat themselves on the ceramic and the gaze is attracted by the wonder of the shapes and the splendor of the precious details.‎ The sinuous lines lead to the charm of the snake-shaped handles that seductively catch the attention, emphasizing the prestige of this bowl.‎ The lid, evoking the textures of the structure of the vase, closes the figure, giving it statuary beauty.‎ In the FUTURA series, Paola Navone re-invents the shapes of Baroque-inspired ceramics, transforming the objects of the traditional artisan businesses of Bassano del Grappa and Nove in the Vicenza area in Italy, from which she drew inspiration, into contemporary decorative elements.‎ The objects of the collection, now free from their traditional colored glazing and the decorative excess typical of the Baroque style, are now able to let the shapes and volumes prevail, enhanced by the purity of the white material.‎   

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