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APOLLO By Antoniolupi

Collection: Apollo

Designer: Brian Sironi

Manufacture year: 2022

Type: LED brass table lamp

Apollo is a Led table lamp, direct and indirect lighting, with Basaltina stone base and brass stem.‎ Available in two models.‎ An evolutionary project: born from the success of the Apollo showerhead, which integrated water and light, to focus only on the light source as a fundamental element in the composition of the space.‎ A variation of shapes that arise from a common dna to mutate in space.‎ A collection of lamps that is divided into the different arrangement of the few basic elements that compose it.‎ One or more tubes of different lengths as the body of the luminaire, a luminous sphere, possibly a circular base or a support cable.‎ An abacus of few signs with which to shape floor lamps, table or suspended lamps.‎ The positioning of the light source determines the final image of the lamps.‎ Arranged at the end of the profile or on a side arm, it allows you to customize the space in which it is inserted, allowing you to choose between an image with absolute linearity or a more dynamic and asymmetrical shape.‎ Light and Water: Apollo is a collection of shower heads that brings these two elements together, connecting them in a single composition of pure forms.‎ It is a hybrid object in which neither function prevails perceptively: it is a lamp, but at the same time a shower head.‎ Apollo introduces a new type of showerhead that at first glance can leave you a little perplexed, because it is not easy to understand its dual nature capable of emanating light and water, but the typological ambiguity is part of its charm.‎ The showerheads are a composition of tubular lines that subvert the paradigm of existing showerheads, while the lamp, which can take various forms, is summarized in Apollo in a circular sphere.‎ Apollo is therefore a source of light and a source of water that makes the shower experience particularly pleasant: allowing yourself to be flooded by a primordial luminous rain, which creates a relaxing atmosphere also thanks to the visual comfort that is generated, creating a holistic experience that satisfies multiple senses.‎ The collection consists of a wall element and two ceiling elements.‎ The most iconic piece, the wall element, is made of cast brass in a Y shape and is the result of careful reflection on the architectural aspect of the showerhead product system, in which the three water-light-fixing branches are conceived equally.‎ The technological aspect plays a fundamental role in the entire project, because it allowed the full implementation of the original idea, especially from the point of view of the miniaturization of the components.‎ The shower heads are equipped with the latest generation rain or nail jets.‎ The IP67 LED lighting turns on simultaneously with the water supply.‎

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