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Collection: 2KNEXTRA

Designer: CRS Molteni Vernici

Manufacture year: 2009

Type: Two-component glossy effect enamel

2KNEXTRA is a two-component enamel ready to reproduce all the elegance of the different colors.‎ An effect created starting from nanoceramic resins, it guarantees a direct adhesion on metals, plastic, MDF and wood, with a final full and polished effect, with no need to apply other specific transparent top coats.‎ Apt for indoor and outdoor applications.‎ Very resistant against usury and abrasion, it covers up all support's defects.‎ Series of glossy enamels with high brightness and high resistance to scratches.‎ Serie Lucidi is shiny and colorful and is suitable for any kind of project and support.‎ It is anti-UVA, resistant to atmospheric agents, salin corrosion and daily wear.‎ They can adhere on all metal, plastic and wood supports.‎ Because of the use of the new generation resins, the new enamels belonging to Collezione Lucidi do not need any specific primer and are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.‎ Available in different colors.‎

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